DEBUG = True LOG_FILE="{{ bird_lg_log_path }}/lg.log" LOG_LEVEL="WARNING" DOMAIN = "{{ bird_lg_domain }}" BIND_IP = "{{ bird_lg_webservice_bind }}" BIND_PORT = {{ bird_lg_webservice_port }} PROXY = { {% for proxy in bird_lg_proxys %} "{{ }}": "{{ proxy.address }}", {% endfor %} } # set a timeout (in seconds) on lgproxy requests PROXY_TIMEOUT = { "bird": 10, "traceroute": 60 } # If True, queries are always done with the "ipv4" backend, # and the distinction between IPv4 and IPv6 is removed from the UI. UNIFIED_DAEMON = {{ bird_lg_unified_daemon | ternary("True", "False") }} # Used for bgpmap ROUTER_IP = { {% for proxy in bird_lg_proxys %} "{{ }}": {{ proxy.ips }}, {% endfor %} } AS_NUMBER = { {% for proxy in bird_lg_proxys %} "{{ }}": "{{ }}", {% endfor %} } #WHOIS_SERVER = "" # DNS zone to query for ASN -> name mapping ASN_ZONE = "{{ bird_lg_asn_zone }}" SESSION_KEY = '\xd77\xf9\xfa\xc2\xb5\xcd\x85)`+H\x9d\xeeW\\%\xbe/\xbaT\x89\xe8\xa7'