Package: libfko
Version: 2.6.9-5
Depends: libc
Source: qca/feeds/packages/net/fwknop
License: GPLv2
Section: libs
Maintainer: Jonathan Bennett <>
Architecture: ar71xx
Installed-Size: 31102
Description:  Fwknop implements an authorization scheme known as Single Packet Authorization
 (SPA) for Linux systems running iptables.  This mechanism requires only a
 single encrypted and non-replayed packet to communicate various pieces of
 information including desired access through an iptables policy. The main
 application of this program is to use iptables in a default-drop stance to
 protect services such as SSH with an additional layer of security in order to
 make the exploitation of vulnerabilities (both 0-day and unpatched code) much
 more difficult.
 This package contains the libfko shared library.