# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2019 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import re import time import unittest import pkg_resources from saml2.config import SPConfig from saml2.response import AuthnResponse from saml2.sigver import CryptoBackend, SecurityContext from synapse.api.errors import CodeMessageException, RedirectException from matrix_synapse_saml_mozilla._sessions import username_mapping_sessions from matrix_synapse_saml_mozilla.mapping_provider import SamlConfig, SamlMappingProvider from . import create_mapping_provider class FakeResponse: def __init__(self, source_uid, display_name): self.ava = { "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/nameidentifier": [source_uid], "email": [], } if display_name: self.ava["displayName"] = [display_name] class FakeCryptoBackend(CryptoBackend): pass def _load_test_response() -> AuthnResponse: response_xml = pkg_resources.resource_string( "tests", "test_saml_response.xml" ).decode("utf-8") response = AuthnResponse( sec_context=SecurityContext(FakeCryptoBackend()), attribute_converters={}, entity_id="https://host/_matrix/saml2/metadata.xml", allow_unsolicited=True, allow_unknown_attributes=True, # tell it not to check the `destination` asynchop=False, # tell it not to check the issue time timeslack=20 * 365 * 24 * 3600, ) response.loads(response_xml, decode=False, origxml=response_xml) response.verify() return response class SamlUserAttributeTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def test_get_remote_user_id_from_name_id(self): resp = _load_test_response() provider = create_mapping_provider() remote_user_id = provider.get_remote_user_id(resp, "",) self.assertEqual(remote_user_id, "test@domain.com") def test_redirect(self): """Creates a dummy response, feeds it to the provider and checks that it redirects to the username picker. """ provider = create_mapping_provider({"use_name_id_for_remote_uid": False}) response = FakeResponse(123435, "Jonny") # we expect this to redirect to the username picker with self.assertRaises(RedirectException) as cm: provider.saml_response_to_user_attributes(response, 0, "http://client/") self.assertEqual(cm.exception.location, b"/_matrix/saml2/pick_username/") cookieheader = cm.exception.cookies[0] regex = re.compile(b"^username_mapping_session=([a-zA-Z]+);") m = regex.search(cookieheader) if not m: self.fail("cookie header %s does not match %s" % (cookieheader, regex)) session_id = m.group(1).decode("ascii") self.assertIn( session_id, username_mapping_sessions, "session id not found in map" ) session = username_mapping_sessions[session_id] self.assertEqual(session.remote_user_id, 123435) self.assertEqual(session.displayname, "Jonny") self.assertEqual(session.client_redirect_url, "http://client/") # the expiry time should be about 15 minutes away expected_expiry = (time.time() + 15 * 60) * 1000 self.assertGreaterEqual(session.expiry_time_ms, expected_expiry - 1000) self.assertLessEqual(session.expiry_time_ms, expected_expiry + 1000) def test_reject_blacklisted_email(self): config = SamlConfig( use_name_id_for_remote_uid=True, domain_block_list={"otherdomain.com"} ) provider = SamlMappingProvider(config, None) resp = _load_test_response() with self.assertRaises(CodeMessageException) as e: provider.saml_response_to_user_attributes(resp, 0, "http://client/") self.assertEqual(e.exception.code, 403)