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title Mozilla matrix login flow
participant Riot
participant "(Embedded) Browser" as B
participant "Synapse" as HS
participant "SAML2 IdP" as IdP
activate Riot
Riot->HS:""GET /login
activate HS
deactivate HS
create B
activate B
B->HS:""GET /login/sso/redirect\n--?redirectUrl=<clienturl>--""
activate HS
HS->HS:Generate SAML request
B<--HS:302 to IdP
deactivate HS
B->IdP: ""GET\n--?SAMLRequest=<SAML request>
activate IdP
B<--IdP: 200 login form
deactivate IdP
B->IdP: submit login form with auth credentials
activate IdP
IdP-->B:200: auto-submitting HTML form including SAML Response
deactivate IdP
B->HS:""POST /_matrix/saml2/authn_response\n--SAMLResponse=<response>
activate HS
HS->HS:Check if known user
B<--HS:302 to username picker\n--including ""username_mapping_session"" cookie
deactivate HS
B->HS:""GET /_matrix/saml2/pick_username/
activate HS
B<--HS: 200 with form page
deactivate HS
B->HS:""GET /_matrix/saml2/pick_username/check\n--?username=<username>
activate HS
B<--HS:200 ""{"available": true/false}""\n--or 200 ""{"error": "..."}""
deactivate HS
B->HS:""POST /_matrix/saml2/pick_username/submit\n--username=<username>
activate HS
B<--HS:302 to original clienturl with loginToken
deactivate HS
deactivate B
destroysilent B
Riot->HS: ""POST /login\n--{"type": "m.login.token", "token": "<token>"}
activate HS
Riot<--HS:""access token"" etc
deactivate HS