# This is a file written in Emacs and authored using org-mode (http://orgmode.org/) # The "README.md" file is generated from this file by running the # "M-x org-md-export-to-markdown" command from inside of Emacs. # # Don't render a Table of Contents #+OPTIONS: toc:nil # Don't render section numbers #+OPTIONS: num:nil # Turn of subscript parsing: http://super-user.org/wordpress/2012/02/02/how-to-get-rid-of-subscript-annoyance-in-org-mode/comment-page-1/ #+OPTIONS: ^:{} * Introduction This is an example SAML SP service written using [[http://flask.pocoo.org/][Flask]] and [[https://github.com/rohe/pysaml2][pysaml2]]. * Requirements - [[https://www.python.org/][Python]] 2.7+ - [[https://virtualenv.pypa.io/en/latest/][Virtualenv]] - [[https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/][pip]] * Installation #+BEGIN_HTML ```shell $ virtualenv venv $ source venv/bin/activate $ pip install -r requirements.txt ``` #+END_HTML * Running #+BEGIN_HTML ```shell $ python app.py ``` #+END_HTML * Testing The fastest way to test this example SAML SP is to use the [[http://saml.oktadev.com/][saml.oktadev.com]] service. Here is how: 1. Edit the "app.py" file and uncomment the line in the "test" line in "metadata_url_for" dictionary. #+BEGIN_HTML ```shell $ $EDITOR app.py ``` #+END_HTML Change this line: #+BEGIN_HTML ```shell # 'test': 'http://idp.oktadev.com/metadata', ``` #+END_HTML To this: #+BEGIN_HTML ```shell 'test': 'http://idp.oktadev.com/metadata', ``` #+END_HTML 2. Start the example SAML SP #+BEGIN_HTML ```shell $ python app.py ``` #+END_HTML 3. Start ngrok on the port that the example SAML SP is running on. By default, the example SAML SP runs on TCP 5000. #+BEGIN_HTML ```shell $ ngrok http 5000 ``` #+END_HTML You will need to [[https://ngrok.com/download][install ngrok]] if you haven't already. Here is what it should look like: #+CAPTION: A screenshot of ngrok 2.0 running [[./docs/_static/ngrok.png]] 4. Run [[http://saml.oktadev.com][saml.oktadev.com]] to test this example SAML SP - Load [[http://saml.oktadev.com][saml.oktadev.com]] in your browser and fill out as follows: *Issuer:* "urn:example:idp" *SAML ACS URL:* "http://REPLACE_ME.ngrok.com/saml/sso/test" *SAML Audience URI:* "http://REPLACE_ME.ngrok.com/saml/sso/test" Be sure to replace the string "REPLACE_ME" with the sub-domain that ngrok selected for you! - Click the "Submit" button. - Your output should look like the image below: [[./docs/_static/validation-success.png]] * Testing the security of your SAML SP After successfully completing the steps in the "Testing" section above, select the "Run security validation" option to have saml.oktadev.com run an extended series of security tests against your SAML SP. * Contact Updates or corrections to this document are very welcome. Feel free to send [[https://help.github.com/articles/using-pull-requests/][pull requests]] with suggestions. # In a (perhaps fruitless) effort to avoid getting more spam, I've # encoded this email address using HTML entities. Additionally, comments or questions can be sent to: developers@okta.com